Does matcha help in hair fall?
Matcha is a super antioxidant, because of this it increases the circulation in the scalp, Vitamin-E, and polyphenols promote the growth of hair. Research studies have shown that these polyphenols can inhibit the effects of some hormones which have an effect on hair, and thus slow the process of hair loss.
Does matcha improve hair growth?
Hair growth largely depends on the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the roots of hairs in the scalp, In fact, poor blood circulation can cause hair loss. So drinking green tea will help as it increases the circulation,(1),(2)
What causes hair fall?
Let's see
Is applying green tea or matcha to hair roots works?
Research studies have been done and it has been found that it works.
Does matcha cause hair loss?
No, it's the other way around, it increases hair growth.
Can matcha do the thickness of my hairs?
Yes, continuous application of matcha on roots and also consuming matcha tea can improve hair growth.
Does green tea or matcha lower DTH?
First of all, what is DTH?
DTH is a hormone, which is responsible for hair loss its full form is dihydrotestosterone the body makes it from testosterone, normally this conversion is 5% .usually body convert this with the help of an enzyme 4-alpha reductase any material which can block this enzyme can reduce the formation of DTH and hence the loss of hairs,(3),(4),(5),(6)
Following materials are at the forefront
1, green tea/ matcha
2, Coconut oil
3, Onions
4, Turmeric
5, Pumpkin seed
6, Edamame,(young soybeans)
In this list, few materials can be combined for the best optimum results,.Like, matcha with turmeric and coconut oil in the application.
So, where do we stand, well as for as benefits of matcha with regards to hair fall problems, one thing is sure, that it works, now only the question comes how to use it for maximum best benefits, what we think from Matcha Facts that a local application is almost a must along with drinking matcha tea, or taking matcha in some other preparation