Is matcha super coffee?
Let's see the comparison, matcha vs coffee
Coffee has a very peculiar aroma, roasted, nutty, chocolate, while matcha is grassy, earthy aroma (not a very appreciative aroma with coffee)
Both have a bitter taste.
Both have minimum calories.
Caffeine content,
Coffee contains more caffeine than matcha.
But what happens, if you drink?
Matcha provides more caffeine effect which is going to last up to 6- hours, while coffee provides the same effect for only up to 3 hours. This is something very unusual and rare and it makes matcha better than coffee.(1),(2)
Caffeine effect in matcha
This very unusual effect is explained by the presence of L-theanine in matcha, as you are aware of coffee do not have l-theanine this is only present in tea and that too maximum only in matcha, and this is the main reason where matcha works slightly different way than coffee, and so it has a very balanced caffeine effect, not like coffee and this fact makes matcha better in selecting between coffee and matcha.
So, where do we stand from Matcha Fact's point of view?
Although matcha and coffee both are having caffeine, but the way matcha works are very different than coffee, its caffeine effect is very balanced and much prolonged than coffee, one most important point is that coffee has already established its place and it is considered the most popular drink in the word, and also consumed in a very big way, while matcha is happened to be drinks of monks, probably it will take some time